Vice President WU Shiqiang delivered a presentation

Senior Engineer BAO Zhenxin delivered a presentation

Senior Engineer XIE Chen participated in panel discussion
From 16 to 18 September 2024, the 6th Arab Water Forum was held in Abu Dhabi, UAE. At the invitation of Abu-Zeid, Chairman of the Arab Water Council, NHRI Vice President WU Shiqiang led a delegation to participate in the opening ceremony of the Forum, ministerial session, the main forum, sub-forums, exhibitions and other related activities.
Vice President WU Shiqiang delivered a speech on "Reclaimed Water Development and Utilization in China: Technology and Practice" in the parallel session on the "Role of Non-Conventional Water Resources in the Future of Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change." Senior Engineer XIE Chen participated in the panel discussion, discussing the typical experience and optimization of China's unconventional water resources technology, and proposed innovative technologies, concrete suggestions and effective measures for the development and utilization of non-traditional water resources in the Arab region, taking into account the specific characteristics of water resources in the region. Senior Engineer BAO Zhenxin delivered a speech on "Water-Energy-Food Nexus under Climate Change in the Yellow River Basin, China" in the parallel session titled "WEFE-Nexus Best Practices and Governance".
During the Forum, Vice President WU Shiqiang and his delegation participated in the ministerial session and engaged in high-level meetings between Vice Minister ZHU Chengqing and UAE’s Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Suhail, Chairman of the Arab Water Council Abu- Zeid, and Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hani Sewilam, respectively. They exchanged views on enhancing practical cooperation in the fields of non-conventional water resources use and drought and flood disaster prevention.
The Arab Water Forum has been held regularly by the Arab Water Council since 2008, with the aim of promoting policy dialogue and technical exchanges in the field of water resources in Arab countries, drawing attention to the water challenges in Arab countries, and seeking better solutions for water governance. This year's Water Forum was co-organized by the Arab Water Council, the League of Arab States, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, UAE, and the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of Egypt, with the theme of "Towards a Water-Resilient and Prosperous Future". The Forum lasted for 3 days, aligning with the three thematic tracks, i.e. Addressing Regional Emerging Water Challenges, Innovative and Non-Conventional Approaches for Adaptation and Resilience (Success Stories and Best Practices), and Path Towards a Resilient Water Future.