The session

Group photo of partial participants
The 3rd AIWW Thematic Session 4D Emerging Technologies and Governance for WEF Nexus, organized by NHRI in collaboration with Nanchang Institute of Technology, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, and RTI International from the United States, was successfully convened on Sept. 24. DANG Ping, Second-level Counsel of Department Rural Water and Hydropower, the Ministry of Water Resources of China, and XU Zhifeng, Director of Hangzhou Regional Center (Asia-Pacific) for Small Hydro Power, delivered speeches at the Session. The opening ceremony was hosted by WANG Xiaojun, Senior Engineer and Deputy Director of NHRI Rural Water Management Department.
Senior Engineer DAI Jiangyu from NHRI and Senior Engineer ZHU Yongnan from China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research co-hosted the academic exchanges, and Vice President HE Danjun from Nanchang Institute of Technology made the Session summary. Experts and scholars, including LIU Junguo, President of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Simon Spooner, Associate Director of Atkins Realis, GONG Ziqian, Senior Economist, Center for Applied Economics and Strategy, RTI International, TANG Qiuhong, Professor from Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Pradygdha Kumayan Jati, Program Manager at the IBEKA Foundation, Indonesia, HE Guohua, Professor from China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Thanapon Piman, Senior Researcher at Stockholm Environment Institute (Asia Center), and JIA Benyou, Senior Engineer from our institute shared their latest research findings and practical experiences on water-energy-food synergistic security.
Currently, extreme climate change and rapid urbanization are putting unprecedented pressure on water resources utilization and management in China and across Asia, significantly impacting food and energy resources closely linked to water resources. Based on the concept of water-food-energy synergy, Asian countries have extensively conducted research and practices regarding synergistic security. This Session served as a platform to promote the exchange of emerging international technologies and management models, which is of great significance for Asian countries to collectively address crises related to water, food and energy security.