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Presidents and Academicians
Dam Safety Management Center of MWR
Waterlocks Safety Management Center of MWR
Research Center for Climate Change of MWR
Engineering Quality Inspection Center of MWR
Hydrology and Water Resources Department
Hydraulic Engineering Department
River and Harbor Engineering Department
Geotechnical Engineering Department
Materials and Structural Engineering Department
Dam Safety Management Department
Center of Eco-Environmental Research
Research Center for Rural Water Management
State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering
Key Laboratory of Port, Waterway and Sedimentation Engineering of Ministry of Transport
Key Laboratory of Water Science and Hydraulic Engineering of MWR
Key Laboratory of Failure Mechanism and Safety Control Techniques of Earth-rock Dam of MWR
R&D Center of Hydro-Power Engineering Safety and Environmental Technology of NEA
International Joint Research Center of Water Science & Engineering
Research Center on Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering of MWR
Tiexinqiao Water Experiment Center
Chuzhou Water Experiment Center
Dangtu Water Experiment Center
River and Lake Research Center at Wuxi
Experts from IBW Visit NHRI
Post Time:2024-02-27Front:[ Large Medium Small ]

On Feb. 20-21, 2024, two experts from Institute of Hydro-Engineering (IBW), Polish Academy of Sciences, namely Prof. Waldemar Świdziński, Director and Dr. Piotr Szmytkiewicz, Deputy Director, visited NHRI and conducted technical exchanges with NHRI colleagues, accompanied by Prof. HUANG Suiliang from Nankai University. Prof. WU Shiqiang, Vice President of NHRI received the visitors.

Vice President Wu extended his warm welcome to the visitors and briefly introduced the profile of NHRI. The both parties discussed the water-related research of new energy and nuclear power projects, and experts from NHRI introduced the national policy of and industrial demands on nuclear power projects in China and the latest research findings and progress of thermal discharge by the methods of numerical and physical modeling. Director Świdziński briefed the general situation of IBW and the recent energy project construction and operation in Poland and wished to enhance the cooperation with NHRI in the fields of thermal discharge simulation of nuclear power plants, soft soil foundation treatment and coastal engineering, looking forward to the establishment of a long-term cooperation mechanism with NHRI.

During their visit, they had lab tours at the Dangtu and Tiexinqiao Experiment Centers. Responsible persons with International Cooperation Office, Hydraulic Engineering Department and Geotechnical Engineering Department of NHRI attended the discussion and accompanied their visits.

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