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International Joint Research Center of Water Science & Engineering
Research Center on Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering of MWR
Tiexinqiao Water Experiment Center
Chuzhou Water Experiment Center
Dangtu Water Experiment Center
River and Lake Research Center at Wuxi
DSMC Staff Joins for Tibet Technical Aid
Post Time:2020-07-20Front:[ Large Medium Small ]

WANG Ping, Deputy Director-General of Water Resources Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region, visits the technical staff for Tibet Ngari aid

Meetings and discussions

Recently, MWR Dam Safety Management Center (DSMC) assigned YANG Dewei to join the Fourth Group of Technical Aid to Tibet Ngari, starting his 3-month technical assistance there.

After the Fourth Group’s arrival, Water Resources Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region and Water Resources Bureau of Nagri Prefecture organized meetings and discussions, specifying the technical assistance tasks. By the “one-to-one” technical connection, it is hoped that various key water projects in Ngari will be promoted in 3 months to ensure the better results of the “group-style” aid to Tibet in a short period.

YANG Dewei said that he would keep in mind the instructions of MWR, actively practice the spirit of water sector of "being loyal, clean, responsible, scientific, realistic and innovative" in the new era, strive to cope with the natural tests, overcome the hardships of high altitude hypoxia and being far away from family, give full play to the advantages of professional knowledge and work experience for the excellent completion of the assistance tasks and contribution to the innovation and development of water sector in Ngari.

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