On Dec. 11, 2013, the Water Transport Department of MoT organized in Beijing a
meeting to review the Working Outline of Research on Key Technology for
Navigation Safety of Three-Gorge Ship-Lift. Over 30 participants came from the
Resettlement Planning Dept. and the Technology and Equipment Dept. of the State
Council’s Three-Gorge Project Office, the Yangtze River Navigation Bureau and
the research implementing institutions including NHRI, the Three-Gorge
Navigation Bureau, Wuhan University of Technology, China Water Transport
Planning and Design Institute, and the Yangtze River Ship Design Institute.
Academician Liang Yingchen and Master Designer Wu Peng and other 7 experts were
invited to form an expert group. A report from the research implementing
institutions was delivered for discussion and the relevant working outline was
approved unanimously. It was held that the lift was characterized by huge
weight, ultra lifting height, high-fluctuation water level in the upstream,
frequent velocity variation in the downstream, and complex layout and operation
dispatching, hence the most technically complicated and largest-scale lift, and
that the research was very necessary and timely. In implementing the
research, field investigation, physical modeling, operation simulation and ship
modeling were applied with a clear study orientation and a correct technical
route, the implementing plan was quite rational, and the research findings were
fruitful, said the conclusion. NHRI, one of the implementing institutions,
will devote itself to the study on a series of technical hard nuts so as to
provide scientific bases to ensure a safe and efficient operation of the lift.